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IMPACT platform (XPS, ellipso, Raman-PL)

Quasi insitu advanced physico-chemical characterization for processes development and upfront studies

The platform integrates several physico-chemical characterization modules and process modules, all connected virtually together via specific vacuum transfer systems (quasi-insitu concept), and compatible with small samples up to 300mm. 

Thanks to its very versatile loading capacities, the interest of such a platform around this concept is therefore twofold:

-    Quasi insitu transfers without air exposure from process to characterisation tools is a key asset for process developments and mechanisms understanding (ALD, MOCVD, plasma etchnig, surface fonctionalisation / cleaning / passivation, …).

 -    The advanced specifications of the characterization chambers allow various academics or indutrials upfront studies.

The characterisation chambers are based on “academic suppliers” systems which have been customised

Here are the main key specifications of the characterisation chambers, each one compatible with small samples upto 300mm wafers:

An overview of the IMPACT platform in the clean room :

Submitted on March 13, 2024

Updated on March 13, 2024