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Research Networks

The laboratory is at the origin, participates in and maintains several technological partnerships within technological networks or platforms including:

  • La Fédération des Micro et Nanotechnologies (FMNT)
  • Le Réseau français de nano-fabrication Renatech
  • L'Institut de Recherche Technologique Nano-Electronique IRT NanoElec
  • Le Laboratoire d'Excellence LabEx Minos-Lab
  • Le Réseau des Acteurs Français de l’Atomic Layer Deposition (RAF-ALD)
  • Le Groupement De Recherche CNRS Pulse (Processus ULtimes en épitaxie de SEmiconducteurs
  • FRSPE (Fédération de Recherche CNRS sur les Spectroscopies d'Electrons)    Following the ELSPEC conference series organised for 20 years about XPS, the FRSPE has been formalised in 2021 by CNRS. This research federation aims to structure the scientific community around photoemission and related spectroscopies, by sharing the highly diversified expertise present in laboratories throughout France. Since the beginning of the ELSPEC conferences serie, and thanks to it's specific activities developped over years around the IMPACT platform, LTM plays an active role in this XPS community: pARXPS, quasi-insitu analyses, strong links with the industrial microelectronic ecosystem. Bernard Pelissier is a member of the FRSPE scientific board and animate the “buried interfaces challenge”. He also coanimates (collaboration with IMEC) a specific webminar named “In depht XPS” which describes how depht resolved information can be considered using ARXPS or HAXPES. This webminar is giving every two years (2022, 2024, …). Intended for the community, the FRSPE federation develops two major axes : several courses and specialised webminars each year, and the organisation of a yearly event which federates together the actors of the XPS community : JNSPE. The 2024 JNSPE event took place at LILLE :
  • Le CIME Nanotech 
  • La PFNC

Submitted on March 13, 2024

Updated on June 21, 2024