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Micro and nanofabrication platform

CAMELEON is a platform for micro/nanofabrication and characterization, comprising 150 m² of ISO7 cleanroom space and 150 m² of experimental rooms.

It is essential for the research activities of the laboratory as it complements the existing capabilities of other platforms on the CEA-Leti site. Thus, the CAMELEON platform offers greater flexibility and provides an alternative for the study needs of specific materials. Studies on polymers, composite materials such as functionalized nanoparticles, or micro/nanofabrication for biology or health applications are hosted on the platform to consider their integration into more advanced maturity stages.

The platform has several characterization tools:

  • Thermal characterization of polymers with TGA and DSC equipment.
  • Electrical characterization with probe stations and mercury drop contactors.
  • Physico-chemical characterization with FTIR, Raman spectrometer/photo-electroluminescence.
  • Surface characterization with AFM, profilometer, and 3 optical microscopes.

The platform also offers technological resources tailored to the specific needs of certain activities: Metal, oxide, and nitride deposition setup by PVD. 

3 lithography tools, UV mask aligner, UV projection lithography, and 3D laser lithography.
Laser cutting machine for silicon wafer re-cutting/dicing.
FDM and SLA 3D printing.
Solvent, acid/base chemistry fume hoods, and a nanoparticle solution preparation hood.
Finally, the platform has versatile experimental spaces available for temporary setups.

Patterns made by A Fernandez on Microfab 3D, ormocomp resist.

Download Presentation Poster of the Cameleon Platform in French 

Submitted on March 13, 2024

Updated on February 20, 2025